Connection, Therapeutic Relationship,
Shame and Spirituality
A four-part video series designed to deepen your understanding of the NeuroAffective Relational Model™.
A Four-Part Training Series
Learn how NARM™ addresses complex issues related to developmental trauma including: working with clients who have difficulty accessing their body and emotions; the role of the therapist in working with complex trauma; how to navigate patterns of shame, guilt and self-hatred; and the spiritual dimensions of post-traumatic growth. Each one of the four programs includes:
Working with individuals who have difficulty accessing their body and emotions
Connection: When Access to Sensations and Feelings is Compromised
The Role of the Therapist in Working with Complex Trauma
Countertransference & the Traps of Goal-Oriented, Solution-Focused Psychotherapy
How to Navigate Patterns of Shame, Guilt & Self-Hatred
Working with the
Hidden Dimensions of Shame & Guilt
The Spiritual Dimensions of Post-Traumatic Growth
Addressing Identity from both a Psychological and Spiritual Perspective
Included With Each Program:
Each individual training program comes with video access to the 2.5 hour training for one year. You can download and keep the audio recording of the presentation, a copy of the presentation slides and the training transcript.
2.5 Hour Video Training
Online access to the 2.5 hour training for 365 days.
Audio Recording
Download an audio version of the training that you can keep forever.
Presentation Slides
Downloadable handouts with slides from the training for future reference.
Training Transcript
Download and save a written transcript of the entire training module.
Connection: When Access to Sensations and Feelings is Compromised
In this program you will be introduced to the NARM™ protocol for working with individuals who have great difficulty accessing their internal states. Working effectively with people who do not have access to their bodies or emotional feelings creates significant challenges for therapists in providing effective treatment.
To help conceptualize this clinical approach, we will present four general patterns for these types of clients and how to work with each one of these four patterns:
Therapeutic Relationship:
Countertransference and the Traps of Goal-Oriented, Solution-Focused Psychotherapy
We often see our unresolved material emerge with our sense of urgency or identification with making something happen for our client: to decrease their distress and symptoms; to validate our sense of accomplishment, or because we're unsure of what to do, so we strive to do something.
This module focuses on working with therapists' own reactions and states within the therapeutic process.We will review the NARM Relational Model for working interpersonally with clients with complex trauma as well as the potential triggers and roadblocks in the way of us being more open, present and curious with our clients. We also delve into:
Shame: Navigating Patterns of Hidden
Shame, Guilt & Self Hatred
NARM™ brings a new perspective to understanding and working with shame and guilt. In this program we explore the hidden dimensions of shame and guilt. We look at how to work clinically with complex shame dynamics, even in its very subtle forms.
Instead of looking at them as emotions that become fixed within us, we understand shame and guilt as a process, and not a state. We recognize the process of shame as a mechanism that ultimately serves to protect the attachment relationship and how this ultimately leads to an identity based in toxic shame.
Spirituality: Addressing Identity from both a Psychological & Spiritual Perspective
How do we create an increasingly quieter place within ourselves?
What might be in our way to experiencing greater states of connection, aliveness, pleasure and freedom?
A key process within the NARM™ approach is “Disidentification”: the dissolving of identity, shaped by early trauma and the corresponding adaptive survival styles, which is both a psychological and spiritual process. In NARM™, we explore deeply into the nature of the sense of self.
Some areas we will review in this program:
As we gradually free ourselves from the shackles of our identity, we can learn to be more fully present
with others in our lives, while staying more fully connected within ourselves.
Purchase the Whole Program & Save!
Connection, Therapeutic Relationship,
Shame & Spirituality
Video Access to all Four Modules
Online access to ten hours of video content for 365 days
4 Audio Recordings
Download all four, ten hours of audio recording to save forever
4 Sets of Presentation Slides
Downloadable presentation slide handouts from all four videos
4 Sets of Training Transcripts
Written transcripts of all four videos to download and save
Best Value! Save $100 when you buy the entire four-part program.
Connection: When Access to Sensations and Feelings is Compromised
Includes one-year of video access, downloadable audio, slides and training transcript.
Countertransference & the Traps of Goal-Oriented, Solution-Focused Psychotherapy
Includes one-year of video access, downloadable audio, slides and training transcript.
Shame: Navigating Hidden Patterns of Shame, Guilt & Self-Hatred
Includes one-year of video access, downloadable audio, slides and training transcript.
Spirituality: Addressing Identity from both a Psychological and Spiritual Perspective
Includes one-year of video access, downloadable audio, slides and training transcript.
Disclaimer: The NARM Training Institute is neither a regulatory nor licensing organization and therefore not
sanctioned to certify, license, or otherwise bestow the legal authorization to practice as a mental health professional.
You are responsible for working under your professional license and within your scope of practice.
For further information regarding NARM training visit
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NARM Training Institute, LLC
206 Mason St., Suite E
Ukiah, CA 95482
(707) 462 2133
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