NARM and Working in the Present Moment


with Dr. Laurence Heller, NARM Founder / Developer 

and Brad Kammer, Senior NARM Faculty

We invite you to watch NARM and Working in the Present Moment, a webinar hosted by NARM Creator Dr. Laurence Heller and NARM Senior Faculty Brad Kammer.


In this webinar they introduce the unique way that NARM works with the legacy of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Complex Trauma (C-PTSD). They explore such questions as: What’s the relationship between childhood trauma and how it shows up later in people’s adult lives? Why is it important to address the unresolved patterns of developmental trauma in the present moment? How do you work with historical experiences in the present moment? How does NARM work in the present moment to resolve the impact of attachment, relational and developmental trauma?


As the NARM Training Institute works in support of making trauma-informed care more accessible, we’d like to offer this webinar to you for free. If you enjoy this webinar, we invite you to join the NARM Inner Circle, an online learning community where Dr. Heller, Brad Kammer and other NARM Faculty offer these trauma-informed webinars monthly. 


To access this webinar for free, please fill out the information below. You'll then have immediate access to this fascinating perspective on resolving ACEs and C-PTSD.

Disclaimer: The NARM Training Institute is neither a regulatory nor licensing organization and therefore not sanctioned to certify, license, or otherwise bestow the legal authorization to practice as a mental health professional or any other professional who participates in our educational programs. You are responsible for working under your professional license or certification, and within your scope of practice.


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NARM Training Institute, LLC
206 Mason St., Suite E
Ukiah, CA 95482
(707) 621 8945

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