NARM Masters Training

The NeuroAffective Relational Model®  

for Healing Developmental Trauma

The Primitive Edge of Experience with Dr. Laurence Heller

In this advanced NARM Training we will examine the basis of identity, focusing on the distortions of the early identifications and object relations that develop in response to misattunement, trauma and neglect - as well as the body correlates related to those distortions. These deep distortions lead us into the theme of personality disorders, particularly borderline and narcissistic personality disorders. A different set of tools and techniques and a new model of object relations will be presented for working with personality disorders. 

We will expand our approach through NARM-based interventions working with identity from a place deeper than identity, deepening our understanding of the advantages of both bottom-up and top-down inquiry for working with the most early and profound trauma. ​

We will continue to cultivate our clinical skills for working with the challenges of early trauma by going deeper into non-Western approaches to cultivate a quiet place within ourselves. From this vantage point, working with shame and pride based identifications is much less challenging as the distortions themselves become evident and more accessible to change.​


To participate in the Level 3 NARM Master Therapist Training, you must have completed all four modules of the Level 2 NARM Therapist Training, and be a licensed mental health professional (Psychologists, Social Workers, MFTs, Counselors) or an active mental health graduate student/intern working toward licensure.

Dr. Laurence Heller 

Subjectivity and Inquiry

"It's the persistence of survival styles, that distorts present experience, that creates the symptoms and the difficulties we experience. 

It's not what happened in the past."

- Dr. Laurence Heller

NARM Masters Training

Training Dates, Times, & Location

Online Training Platform: Zoom


Zoom links will be sent before each module. Your attendance and active participation is required.


NARM Masters Training

Training Pricing


3 payments of


plus $250 deposit


One-time payment of


plus $250 deposit

NARM Faculty

NARM Masters Training

Training Team


Dr. Laurence Heller

Lead Trainer and Founder of the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM)

Dr. Laurence Heller is the creator of the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM), Senior Faculty member, International Trainer, and co-author of "Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image and the Capacity for Relationship" and "Crash Course: A Self-Healing Guide to Auto Accident Trauma and Recovery" 

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NARM Master Therapist Certificate


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NARM Training Institute, LLC
PO Box 388
Ukiah, CA 95482
(707) 621-8945

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