The NARM Training Institute Presents:
Online Membership Program
The NARM Training Institute Presents:
Online Membership Program
Why Join the NARM Inner Circle
Online Membership Program?
The Inner Circle will help you learn more about NARM, a break-through approach in the trauma-informed treatment movement.
The NARM model is a new approach to addressing adverse childhood experiences and their long-term consequences, as highlighted in the ACEs study. This approach was introduced in the influential book by NARM founder Dr. Laurence Heller, "Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image and the Capacity for Relationship".
As a NARM Inner Circle member, exciting new material will be made available to you monthly. You will be invited to join us in our live teaching calls where we will deconstruct the demo session from the perspective of working with complex clients, or present various topics through monthly webinars, viewed from a NARM perspective. Additionally, you will be able to interact with us in live Q & A calls. All content will be recorded and available to you if you cannot attend live, or if you want to review the content again on your own time.
If you are a current student or graduate of the NARM Practitioner Training Program, or just someone who is curious about the approach, this online program will enhance and deepen your understanding, as well as keep you connected to the growing international NARM community.
The NARM Inner Circle Online Membership Program will allow you to stay connected to other NARM students, NARM Faculty, our evolving curriculum and our most up-to-date teachings.
NARM is a Model Specifically Designed for
Addressing Complex Trauma, Including Attachment,
Relational and Developmental Trauma
Thanks to Oprah Winfrey, the world
was introduced to the concept of
Developmental Trauma
(on CBS 60 Minutes).
Oprah calls this a “game changer”.
As she writes:
“This is one of the most life changing stories I’ve ever done. I hope it starts a
Revolution in helping people.”
Two Ways to Join!
Option 1
Join as a Yearly Member for $597 USD Annually
(savings of $243 for the year when compared to monthly)
PLUS... when you purchase a Yearly Membership
receive double the archive access of 6 months
Option 2
Join as a Monthly Member for $70 USD Monthly
Cancel anytime by emailing
Upgrade anytime to Annual Membership.
After you have registered you should receive an email with your access link within 15 minutes. If you do not receive your access link, contact us at or click on the helpdesk icon for support.
Summary of What is Included in the NARM Inner Circle Online Membership Program
Monthly NARM Demo Session Videos:
Each month one video Demo Session will be released. This will be accompanied by "Clinically Annotated Transcripts". The Monthly Demo Session will also be made available in a streamable audio format.
Monthly Live Demo Session Debrief with Q & A:
Each month one of our Senior Faculty members will host a live Demo Session Debrief and Q & A. We will deconstruct the NARM Demo Session video and detail how we are applying NARM in the clinical process. The recording will be available in the the 3-6 month archive for those that cannot attend live and those who wish to re-listen to the teaching.
Monthly Live Topic Webinars:
We will facilitate one live webinar per month on a specific topic. The recordings and transcript will be available in the 3-6 month archive for those that cannot attend live and those who wish to re-listen to the teaching.
Included with your membership is a downloadable copy of our powerful book, "The NARM Model for Working with Affect: Using Emotion to Transform Identity"
NARM Inner Circle Discussion Forum:
Participants can interact, ask questions, share resources, and get direct input from NARM trainers on our private Facebook Group.
3 Month or 6 month Archive:
Material will be archived in the membership area for three months for monthly members and six months for annual members. Selected material (topic webinar audios and transcripts) will be available for download.
NARM is a Model Specifically Designed for Addressing
Complex Trauma, Including Attachment, Relational and Developmental Trauma
Thanks to Oprah Winfrey, the world
was introduced to the concept of Developmental Trauma
(on CBS 60 Minutes).
Oprah calls this a “game changer”.
As she writes:
“This is one of the most life changing stories I’ve ever done. I hope it starts a Revolution in helping people.”
NARM's 4 Organizing Principles
Supporting Connection and Organization
Exploring Identity
Mindfully Working in Present Moment
Regulating the Nervous System
Additional Bonus Materials for Annual Members:
Bonus #1 - Introduction to NARM
Video and Audio
Bonus #2 - 4 Pillars Video Plus E-book
Bonus #3 - Where Therapists
Get Stuck Webinar
NARM is a cutting-edge model for addressing attachment, relational and developmental trauma, by working with the attachment patterns that cause life-long psychobiological symptoms and inter-personal difficulties.
These early, unconscious patterns of disconnection deeply affect our identity, emotions, physiology, behavior and relationships. Learning how to work simultanesously with these diverse elements is a radical shift that has profound clinical implications for healing complex trauma.
This developmentaly-oriented, neuroscientifically-informed model, is positioned to become an invaluable treatment option for the Trauma-Informed Care movement.
NARM is a mindfulness-based clinical treatment, as its method is grounded in a phenomenological approach to addressing identity and consciousness of self. Seen in this way, healing complex trauma is a vehicle for transformation on a personal and collective level.
NARM is a model specifically designed for working with Complex Trauma.
World Health Organization (WHO)
has just released the newest
version of the ICD-11. In it is
the first official diagnosis of:
“C-PTSD”: Complex
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
This new disorder is characterized
by the core symptoms of PTSD,
in addition to:
1. Severe and pervasive problems in affect regulation;
2. Persistent beliefs about oneself as diminished, defeated or worthless, accompanied by deep and pervasive feelings of shame, guilt or failure related to their trauma
3. Persistent difficulties in sustaining relationships and in feeling close to others.
NARM's 4 Organizing Principles
Supporting Connection and Organization
Exploring Identity
Mindfully Working in Present Moment
Regulating the Nervous System
NARM's 4 Organizing Principles
Supporting Connection and Organization
Exploring Identity
Mindfully Working in Present Moment
Regulating the Nervous System
Every month a NARM Senior Faculty Member will facilitate a Live Webinar on a specific topic
NARM is a Model Specifically Designed
for Those Working with Complex Trauma
World Health Organization (WHO) has just released the newest
version of the ICD-11. In it is the first official diagnosis of:
“C-PTSD”: Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
This new disorder is characterized by the
core symptoms of PTSD, in addition to:
1. Severe and pervasive problems in affect regulation;
2. Persistent beliefs about oneself as diminished, defeated or worthless, accompanied by deep and pervasive feelings of shame, guilt or failure related to their trauma
3. Persistent difficulties in sustaining relationships and in feeling close to others.
Every month a NARM Senior Faculty Member
will facilitate a Live Webinar on a specific topic
Learning NARM principles allows you to keep up with changes in trauma treatment
"The last game changer in the mental health profession happened in 1980 when PTSD was added to the DSM-III
Now, some 35 years later, developmental trauma has become the new game-changer.
There are many parallels between the game-changing events of 1980 and what is happening now in the mental health profession. One of these parallels is that mental health practitioners aren't aware of developmental trauma as a clinical issue nor the game-change events it has set in motion."
Barry and Janae Weinhold
Learning NARM principles allows you to keep up with changes in trauma-informed treatment
"The last game changer in the mental health profession happened in 1980 when PTSD was added to the DSM-III
Now, some 35 years later, developmental trauma has become the new game-changer.
There are many parallels between the game-changing events of 1980 and what is happening now in the mental health profession. One of these parallels is that mental health practitioners aren't aware of developmental trauma as a clinical issue nor the game-change events it has set in motion."
--Barry and Janae Weinhold
For further information regarding NARM training visit
Disclaimer: The NARM Training Institute is neither a regulatory nor licensing organization and therefore not
sanctioned to certify, license, or otherwise bestow the legal authorization to practice as a mental health professional.
You are responsible for working under your professional license and within your scope of practice.
© NARM Training Institute LLC 2024. All Rights Reserved.
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